Original PDF Ebook – Zen of Cloud2nd EditionLearning Cloud Computing by Examples, Second Edition – 9781138332607


Author (s): Haishi Bai
Publisher: CRC Press Print
ISBN: 9781138332607 1138332607
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: 2019

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Original PDF Ebook – Zen of Cloud2nd EditionLearning Cloud Computing by Examples, Second Edition – 9781138332607

This book provides a comprehensive review of cloud philosophy, design principals, development trends as well as practical patterns to guide readers to understand, design and implement successful cloud-based solutions. This book provides both “hows” and “whys.” It peers behind the buzz words such as machine learning, containers, and blockchains to help readers understand how to put those technologies into practical use. This unique book covers a broad spectrum of technologies of cloud computing.


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